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Pick your gift from our Housewarming Registry and you can help support our efforts to give foster care youth a good first start.
Youth who have experienced foster care often have accumulated very few possessions. We're moving as many as 4 young adults into our LAUNCH PAD at the beginning of September and would love your help to make the house warm and comfortable.
We've registered at Target for dozens of household items that our residents will need in their new home. Choose from Ziploc bags to trash cans -- we need and appreciate it all!
Or, if you have a clean couch, chair, TV, dresser, kitchen set, or bed frame in good shape that you're willing to donate, click here to let us know.

Click to go to our Housewarming Registry


Kathy Stewart, LMSW

Washtenaw Community College

Campus Coach


dresser $100
TV $200
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DESK $75
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Cleaning Products
feeling extra generous?
here are some other needs not listed on our registry.
We will even do the shopping; all you have to do is click on your gift.
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couch $200
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living room chair $100
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Floor lamp $30
Table & Chairs $150
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