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How to help

Your support is critical to our success. There are many ways you can help. By doing so you are making a difference in the lives of foster youth within Washtenaw County. 

Make a Difference!


There are so many ways you can help! We’re always looking for Mentors for our mentoring program, enthusiastic volunteers to serve on committees, and community and business members who have talents or services to offer our youth. Click here for more information.



Sometimes items you may already have or have access to can really help our program. Could you sponsor a meeting for mentors and youth? Do you have a special talent you could teach our kids (e.g. job interviewing, car repair)? There are many, simple ways for you to help foster youth through Our House programs:
  • Space for meetings
  • Food for meetings
  • Jobs for youth
  • A house for semi-independent living
  • Gift cards
  • Stamps
  • Paper, envelopes and printer toner
  • Birthday cakes for youth
  • Formula
  • “Jeans Day” or other work-place fundraisers
Let us know if you can help or have other ideas.



If you want to help financially, we appreciate that too! Click the button below or send checks to:

Our House 111 S. Wallace Blvd.Ypsilanti, MI  48197


Our House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your donation is 100% tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Join our Community Network Program

In keeping with our mission to teach youth skills that allow them to be successful, self-sufficient and live independently with confidence, our Community Network Program marshals businesses, individuals and organizations who can help the youth on their journey to adulthood. These important community partners provide skills and vocational training, educational supports, jobs, household furnishings, transportation, counseling and other practical resources to Our House youth. One of our earliest community partners was Blue Cab Company, providing critical transportation to youth for Our House events. Likewise, while we’re not affiliated with any religion, the Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor provided us with space for training and meetings before we had our own space. Zingerman’s Community of Businesses in Ann Arbor also helped with job skills training, including practice interviews, so that Our House youth could learn how to prepare for a job opportunity with proper greetings, how to dress/personal hygiene, body language, and what questions to ask. Upon completion, teens were encourage to apply for job opportunities throughout the Zingerman’s family of businesses.

Other Ways to Help

Purchase items for our office, community homes and classroom through our Amazon Wishlist. Thank you for your support!

111 S. Wallace Blvd.

Ypsilanti, MI 48197


To get involved, make a referral or for more information, please contact us at: or


We'll get right back to you!



Our House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the Internal Revenue Service, EIN 80-0847767. Your donation is 100% tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. 
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