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the mosaic program
MOSAIC offers the
only state-licensed independent-living residence & program
for foster care youth, ages 16-19, in
Washtenaw County
After working toward it for 9 years and with the help of so many fans and supporters, we’ve realized our goal of providing a suite of supports for Washtenaw County youth experiencing foster care. Our new program, MOSAIC, offers the only state-licensed independent-living residence & program for foster care youth in Washtenaw County, allowing our residents to remain in their community, with
friends and family instead of relocating out-of-county. In
addition, residents will participate in the full complement
of Our House programming (e.g. life skills training,
community service, 2nd Saturday events) and are
guaranteed a mentor.

how is mosaic different?
MOSAIC is designed to help residents feel both cared for AND cared about. They matter.
The house, itself, is intended to feel like a home, not an institution. Residents have their own room they can decorate, providing privacy and a sense of ownership and permanence.
Staff’s role is aligned with the vision of Our House, to support each participant in their self-determined goals, encourage and coach them through life’s challenges, and create a safe and welcoming environment.

​"Solving the problems created
by the foster care experience is
neither easy nor inexpensive. Efficacy costs a little more. With your help, we'll make a difference one amazing young person at a time."
natasha doan-motsinger
our house
executive director
We first needed to freshen it up with a new coat of paint!

Many Our House participants are about to or have already aged out of the foster care system. MOSAIC provides us with the opportunity to reach youth while they are still in foster care and intervene at an earlier point in their growth and development, interrupting the patterns of learned dependency, and filling the voids left by the lack of a stable, consistent support system.
Without early and intentional intervention by programs like MOSAIC, foster care youth run the risk of being added to the dismal statistics of incarceration, unemployment, low graduation rates, increased hospitalizations, and generational poverty. Our House’s philosophy is to teach young people to do for themselves, not do for them. We expose them to ideas and teach them how to use available resources, build their skills, and create a trustworthy support system. This results in better neighbors, employees, and members of society.
So many have helped in so many ways...
Corner Health for supplies
Laurita Thomas for providing lunch while we painted
Kat McKowell who has coordinated, shopped, and painted
Laura Roth and HouseN2Home for providing furniture, moving assistance, and house set-up
Al Smith for painting
Jennifer Monahan and Sam and Renecia
Jeff Stefforia and family
Matt Bellamy
Steve Vincen
Bryan Roby
Reid and Shantinia
Jason Herter, Aaron Miller and youth from the Washtenaw Trial Court Juvenile Division for painting
Alexis and Ashley for helping us move furniture
Dorene Markel and the Priebes for furniture donations
Ed Goldman and Gini Harmon for painting
Our incredible staff

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